“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
- World Health Organisation, 1948
We all know the phrase “you are what you eat”, but what does this mean and how does it matter? If you eat the same foods all the time and don’t have sustained energy, a great mood, healthy-looking skin or restful nights, this indicates that what you eat is not right for you and your body in a nutshell.
Eating healthy and nourishing foods, i.e. nutrition, is the most powerful tool we have available to us to take control our own lives and get the outcome that we want. As much as 80% of our health is based on what we put into our mouth (food, drink, cigarettes, drugs, medicines etc.) and as little as 20% is based on physical factors like activity, genetics, age, lifestyle and environmental factors. Most research recognises that what you eat influences how you feel, your ability to concentrate, your ability to live life enjoyably, and your resistance to infections and serious illnesses. So nutritional therapy looks at you as an individual and finds the root cause of your condition rather concentrating only on the affected area of your body.
When you feed your body well, it starts healing itself not just in one area, but the whole body. Sounds good?
Nutritional therapy therefore combines the science of biochemistry and nutrition with naturopathy i.e. natural, drug-free medicine. If you like your car to be clean, serviced and working efficiently or you like your place of work organised for maximum effectiveness, or you just like to treat yourself to the best quality clothes and accessories, it's very likely you would want the best for your body too. It needs clean, healthy eating with wholesome, high quality ingredients in the greatest variety. When that is supported with exercise, a positive mindset, water (the forgotten nutrient) and defending ourselves against stress, then we are on track for achieving the best outcome: optimum health.
Our cells are dividing, regenerating and defending us against foreign matter but how long can we rely on our bodies to make it right? As we are all unique, this differs in every individual, though it’s never too late to change. The discipline of nutritional therapy holds that prevention is better than cure, but if a cure is needed then we address the problem’s causes, not its symptoms: scrap the things that made us ill and replace them with nourishing alternatives for an effective, sustainable recovery to full health.
So love life, laugh and be happy and leave the rest for me to help you. Lasting health is available to all of us… Naturally!